Jump Levels

There is always another level in you. I don’t care who you are. A JV wrestler or Jordan Burroughs. My dad has always been my role model. When I was a kid my dad would always ask my brothers and I, what is the biggest room in the world? Quickly we caught on- It is…


Relaxing Under Pressure

It is important to learn how to LET your body relax in stressful situations, matches, etc. Remember, you cannot try to relax you have to allow yourself to relax. Think about a time you couldn’t sleep. What happened when you “tried” to relax? Let me guess. It didn’t help you fall asleep. In fact, it…


Was Chris Perry Born to Win?

No one is born great are they? Of course not…well its sort of complicated. The great motivational speaker Jim Rohn said, “We are the average of the 5 people we spend the most time with.” Let’s look at  some of Chris Perry’s family: John Smith (uncle)-6x World Champion, Mark Perry Jr. (brother) 2x NCAA Champion, and…


7 Keys to Success During Championship Weekend

1. Bombard yourself with positive thoughts and focus on your strengths. This is not the time to be critical of yourself. Dwelling on setbacks, losses, injuries or weaknesses will only hurt confidence. We recommend our athletes watch their highlight tapes and best performances leading up to championship weekend. Watch yourself execute technique and compete fearlessly.…
