Overcome Laziness

Why are people lazy? Again, we must go back to motivation. The root word in motivation is motive. To understand any behavior or attitude, you must first consider the two basic human motives. When you boil it all down the two human motives are (1) Avoid Pain (2) Gain Pleasure. Your mind links pleasure and/or…


Pull the Trigger

To sum up Sport/Performance Psychology in a 3 word sentence- Pull the trigger! This is analogous to the Nike slogan of “Just Do It.” However, I like “pull the trigger” because it commands the most attention and includes a sense of urgency. When it comes right down to it, you are faced with one major…


Exercises to Improve Confidence

*List your 10 greatest accomplishments in wrestling (competition or practice). If there aren’t 10 in wrestling, then include life to show yourself you are good at things you put your mind to. You have succeeded before and it will come again. *Make a highlight reel if you can, and play it twice a week. *Make…


Ditch Your Excuses Now

My high school wrestling coach, the great Steve Giordano (NJ State Champ & college All-American) would always tell us, “never give yourself an excuse to lose.” You do not want anything holding you back when you compete. If you choose to compete, If you choose to do anything, you must eliminate all excuses. In Sport…


Perfection – Good or Evil?

Perfection is the enemy of good. When you were young, the adults taught you how to detect and delete mistakes. This makes sense. I order to achieve at a high level, mistakes must be reduced. The key thing to remember is that mistakes are never eliminated. We have all heard that practice makes perfect. Then…


How to Bounce Back from a Loss

You are a human, you make mistakes. There is a simple but effective way to deal with ALL losses, errors, mistakes, etc: extract the lesson, commit the lesson to memory, forgive yourself, and move forward with confidence. It is important that you do not repeat your mistakes, so you should note your shortcomings and downfalls.…
