6 Mindset Pillars

1. Wrestle because YOU want to. Your happiness and well being trumps success. If wrestling is not in your heart than do something else. Don’t do it for other people. 2. Focus on the process not the outcome. If you keep improving each day, wins and titles will take care of themselves. If you focus only on…


Depth over Breadth

I fear not the man who has practiced 10,000 kicks once, but I fear the man who has practiced one kick 10,000 times- Bruce Lee In the age of technology, wrestlers have so many advantages. It is easier to follow college and world wrestling, learn technique, and watch wrestlers from around the globe. It is…


Common Preseason Mistake

Competition can be a great thing but beware during preseason runs and conditioning. The number one focus needs to be improving your own conditioning as best as possible. Many times wrestlers focus on beating the guy next to him or “looking” like you are in good shape. Lets say you are running sprints next to…


Lead by Example

All too often people like to point out the flaws in other people, put on a front, and make themselves look good. We’ve all probably done this at some point. It is a form of weakness and insecurity. Now it is time to stop talking about it and start being about it. A true leader…


Huuuuge Mental Mistake

This message is for wrestlers who work their tails off. Slackers will use as an excuse to miss workouts. One of the biggest mental mistakes I see is wrestlers practicing, lifting and training without a purpose. It is sad because there are many wrestlers who are hard working and passionate but they fail to improve…
