Optimism Beats Realism

I watched a great clip last week on the Mindset of Will Smith. He caught my attention when he said, “Being realistic is the most common path to mediocrity.” Immediately I related this to the athletes I work with. Each wrestler is encouraged to keep a daily journal of their thoughts about the previous week’s…


Overcome Laziness

Wrestlers are among the hardest workers in the world! But let’s face it, we all get a little lazy sometimes. Why are people lazy? Again, we must go back to motivation. The root word in motivation is motive. To understand any behavior or attitude, you must first consider the two basic human motives. When you…


Jump Levels

There is always another level in you. I don’t care who you are. A JV wrestler or Jordan Burroughs. My dad has always been my role model. When I was a kid my dad would always ask my brothers and I, what is the biggest room in the world? Quickly we caught on- It is…
