One of the Best Mindset Videos I've Ever Seen
Every coach, wrestler or athlete is faced with a similar question- Are you gonna go ALL IN or are you gonna hold back for some reason or another?
If you are thinking “Well maybe this is the year I put in the work and commit to being a Champion” then forget about it you won’t be very successful. If you think like this it won’t happen! You have to KNOW and make the decision that you are 100% committed to doing everything possible (within the rules) in your power to being a Champion. There is no Maybe!
Being ALL IN requires this commitment- Doing the little things right each day to give yourself the best possible chance to accomplish your goal. There is no 9-5, no shortcuts, no distractions rather all business.
The wrestling, the strength training, the running, the mindset, the nutrition, the sleep/recovery, etc- You have to be willing to do it all to be considered ALL IN. Maybe you’ve seen a guy get by without being all in, but he was missing out on another level of personal mastery and success.
Who is the greatest Bodybuilder of all time?
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