1. Make sure you make the most important thing the most important thing.

If you want to achieve your goal on the mat, be successful in the classroom or at work, or be happy you need to know what you value most and live accordingly. If your faith or family is the most important thing to you, are you putting them ahead of everything else? Are you living and practicing your faith regularly? Are you spending quality time with your family? If you want to be a state or national champ, you better know what you need to improve on and make that a priority during each practice. If you run a business, what do you need to do to take things to the next level? Not all things are equal. Know what the most important things are and act on them regularly.

2. Never be outworked.

Start you New Year out watching the documentary Terry. Watch Iowa the Season and Iowa the Program. Watch a guy like Nick Suriano train. These guys pride themselves on outworking everyone. Overtraining is an overused word. Very few people need to even think about overtraining. You are likely not one of them either. Pride yourself on working harder this year. The surest way to be successful is to get fanatical about your training.

3. Be consistent. Do something daily to get closer to your goals.

We always talk about consistency. Every day you need to do something to get closer to your goals. It can be physically, mentally, spiritually, nutritionally, etc. From a three hour practice, to a healthy meal, to 10 minutes of visualization you have to do something each day to get closer to your goals. Cael Sanderson has his wrestlers check off each day on their calendar they do something to get closer to their goals. Make sure everyday is checked off.

4. Write it down.

Your goals, your areas for improvement, your successes, your confidence list, your workout log, what you are grateful for, etc. You have millions of thoughts each day. Make sure you are writing down the things that are important and tracking your progress. Make sure to write it down each morning or night.

5. Learn from the best & do something about your Mindset.

We all know that wrestling is as mental as any sport out there. Our mindset effects our results on the mat, in the classroom and in life. If you are leaving this aspect to chance you are making an obvious mistake. Spend at least 15 minutes everyday doing something specifically geared towards improving your mindset. According to the book Secrets of Soviets Success, the Soviet wrestlers spent at least 15 minutes each training session developing their mindset (mental toughness, confidence, relaxing under pressure, goal setting, focus, etc.). Lets learn from the best and take a page from their book this year. Your mindset is what separates you from the person equally talented. Study the best both on and off the mat, learn from them, then execute!

Start now- Wrestling Mindset Program

Happy New Year! May God Bless all of you!