

10 Ways to Help your Kids Mentally

Published August 30th, 2021 by Wrestling Mindset

Communicate you believe in them (verbally and non-verbally)

Make sure you a clear that you believe in your kids. Believe in them no matter what. Whether it is a good match or bad match you still believe in there abilities!

2. Communicate you accept them and love them no matter what.
I love watching you compete. Win or lose you love to watch them play the sport they love.

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3. Praise their performance not outcome.
Praise things like working hard, taking chances, staying positive, keeping composure. Stay away from outcomes (Winning and Losing). Focusing on effort, attitude, and lifestyle.

4. Ask your kid about criticism.
Know when it is a good time to give you kid criticism. Ask them when it is a good time. Do they want criticism from you? Communicate with them to see what works best for them.

5. Don’t talk about wrestling too much at home.
Its alright to talk about wrestling but that can’t be the only thing. Unless they bring it up you don’t bring it up. If they don’t want to talk about it it doesn’t mean they don’t love the sport, maybe they just don’t want to talk about it right now.

6. Be positive and supportive.
When in doubt compliment them. The power of positivity. Even critics can be positive.

7. Don’t talk with kids about rankings, seedings, predictions, etc.
Focus on getting better and the process of improving. It doesn’t matter who you wrestle it is just another opponent. Wrestle your best go after everyone!

8. Know your role.
If your a parent stay in your line. Sometimes a parent and coach lines can be blurry. Make sure to communicate with coaches as well as your kids on understanding your role in their wrestling.

9. Don’t make match/tournament day special.
It is just another opportunity to wrestle. There is no big or small match, they are all matches. When you put something on a pedestal it makes it a bigger deal and performance can suffer. Keep them calm and composed.

10. When in doubt, lay off.
Sometimes things are out of your control. When in doubt just be dad or mom. There is a lot you can do but sometimes you just need to lay off and give them time. Foster the vocation of your kid towards to success. 

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Blog by: Ray Jaz (Wrestling Mindset Coach)

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